20 Years of Service
2022.10.14 17:11
This fall marks 20 years since I put the first words of my lecture notes down on paper. If you would have told the 20 year old me that those very notes would still be put to good use 20 years later, I would have assumed you to be delusional. And, to be honest, I still find this fact hard to comprehend to this very day.
To put it into perspective, some of you medical students studying from my lecture notes at this very moment were not born when they first were written, and that is just plain absurd to think about!
So thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have used my notes in the past or are currently putting my notes to good use, to all of you who have re-written my notes by hand or by computer, and to all of you who have made my notes your own or keep on updating my lecture notes with the most recent advances in the field of medicine...
...Thank you for proving the 20 year younger me wrong!

To put it into perspective, some of you medical students studying from my lecture notes at this very moment were not born when they first were written, and that is just plain absurd to think about!
So thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have used my notes in the past or are currently putting my notes to good use, to all of you who have re-written my notes by hand or by computer, and to all of you who have made my notes your own or keep on updating my lecture notes with the most recent advances in the field of medicine...
...Thank you for proving the 20 year younger me wrong!

On Your Own
2022.09.25 20:56
Since time continues to be a sparse commodity for me, I've decided to release the icon design template for Yosemite Disks to the public. I'm therefore relieved to release version 1.3 of Yosemite Disks, adding the base Photoshop PSD-file for you to design any custom hard disk icon you need for your particular storage setup.
The power is yours!
New in Yosemite Disks 1.3:
- Added the base icon design Photoshop PSD-file for making your very own Yosemite Disks custom icons.
The power is yours!
New in Yosemite Disks 1.3:
- Added the base icon design Photoshop PSD-file for making your very own Yosemite Disks custom icons.
2022.05.29 16:11
And as the paradox of my specialization in general medicine is starting to sink in, I've updated my business card and my CV to reflect these recent professional milestones. The updates are now available for download at the very bottom of the on-site CV here at Mednotes.net.
Man, this new business card is making me feel ancient! I might as well just start planning my tombstone while I'm at it

Man, this new business card is making me feel ancient! I might as well just start planning my tombstone while I'm at it

2022.05.20 23:06
On a fundamental personal level, I've always despised the idea of having to specialize my medical degree. To me, and only to me, specializing never felt like further academic ascension, but rather a descent into a deep dark proverbial valley from which I would lose sight of the collective medical sciences as a whole.
Considering my adequate manual dexterity, I dabbled with the thought of specializing within the field of surgery more than a dozen times both during my studies and after graduating. But somehow I never really could seem to shake the feeling of loosing more than I potentially would gain from such a venture.
As such, I'm grateful to announce that I've finally obtained my specialty title in the broadest and most ubiquitous field available to us medical doctors:
Specialist in Clinical Family Medicine!

Considering my adequate manual dexterity, I dabbled with the thought of specializing within the field of surgery more than a dozen times both during my studies and after graduating. But somehow I never really could seem to shake the feeling of loosing more than I potentially would gain from such a venture.
As such, I'm grateful to announce that I've finally obtained my specialty title in the broadest and most ubiquitous field available to us medical doctors:
Specialist in Clinical Family Medicine!

...When You're Having Fun
2022.02.17 21:20
Time keeps on thundering past me like a never-ending cargo train showing little or no sign of slowing down. Though I've become quite adept at filling the railcars as they pass me by, an opening for very much else seems to be eluding me.
During the past half year I've finished up my engagement at the department of psychiatry, further strengthening my candidacy for a dual specialization. My family and I have yet again said goodbye to the farm of my childhood years, and moved back into our apartment by the waterfalls in the main capital. I've recommenced my previous job as a general practician for the students, teachers and professors within higher education. My specialization in general medicine is complete with next to zero effort, and is now pending approval. SARS-CoV-2 finally managed to find its way into the household, and lingered for a while before vacating the premises. My work on the BittBoy PocketGo operating system is done as far as I'm concerned, and the entire Pixel Artist section here at Mednotes.net has been updated with a cross section of my contributions. And finally, after two long years, I'm back where I truly belong: The gym!
Now, where did I leave that creative spark of mine?! I'm almost certain I saw it around here somewhere!
During the past half year I've finished up my engagement at the department of psychiatry, further strengthening my candidacy for a dual specialization. My family and I have yet again said goodbye to the farm of my childhood years, and moved back into our apartment by the waterfalls in the main capital. I've recommenced my previous job as a general practician for the students, teachers and professors within higher education. My specialization in general medicine is complete with next to zero effort, and is now pending approval. SARS-CoV-2 finally managed to find its way into the household, and lingered for a while before vacating the premises. My work on the BittBoy PocketGo operating system is done as far as I'm concerned, and the entire Pixel Artist section here at Mednotes.net has been updated with a cross section of my contributions. And finally, after two long years, I'm back where I truly belong: The gym!
Now, where did I leave that creative spark of mine?! I'm almost certain I saw it around here somewhere!